// Capture IP and User Agent var ipAddress = ''; // Use a service to fetch IP var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; // Example of fetching IP using a public API fetch('https://api.ipify.org?format=json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { ipAddress = data.ip; // Push to Data Layer window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'pinterestEvent', 'userData': { 'ip_address': ipAddress, 'user_agent': userAgent } }); });
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  1. Fill out the application and select the products that you would like to review the most.  (Upload a full body picture with your application)

  2. Wait for approval of application from B You Company to be sent to your email. (1-3 weeks)

  3. Look out for selected product to arrive at your doorstep.

  4. Review product and upload photos on Product Review Page.

  5. Shout out B You Company on social media @byoucompany, @byoumen or @byoulavish.

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539 W. Commerce St #5729   Dallas, TX 75208

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// Ensure that the script only runs on the order confirmation page if (window.location.href.indexOf("order-confirmation") > -1) { // Assuming Wix provides an API or a way to access order data (e.g., email from the order object) var email = ''; // You will need to replace this with the actual method to fetch email from the order (e.g., Wix's API or Order object) // Check if email is available before proceeding if (email) { // Function to hash email using SHA256 function hashEmail(email) { var sha256 = new Hashes.SHA256(); return sha256.hex(email); } // Hash the captured email var hashedEmail = hashEmail(email); // Send the hashed email to Pinterest window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push({ 'event': 'pinterestEvent', 'userData': { 'email': hashedEmail } }); // Debugging: Log the hashed email to the console console.log("Hashed Email Sent to Pinterest: " + hashedEmail); } }